Want to reduce stress and increase your energy?

3 min readFeb 27, 2023

Sometimes too much choice and optionality is a vice. Try this instead.

Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

What do you want for dinner?

When are we going to spend time with my parents?

When are you going to do groceries?

When did our car registration expire?

Endless questions and decisions cause cognitive fatigue.

When presented with each additional choice, firstly our ability to make good decisions deteriorate and we feel more and more tired and susceptible to being overwhelmed.

Introducing automation

Automation in its simplest form is designing processes to minimise human input.

Often automation is bandied with technology, AI or systems. However, automation is also a state of mind.

Introducing automation into your ordinary life can dramatically reduce the number of decisions you need to make, as well as help you re-prioritise your decisions to ones which matter most.

Making the change will take conscious effort and firstly require an audit of your life, your time and your energy output. Here are some questions to help you:

  • What is the first decision you need to make every day? (e.g. Am I working from…




Writers are thinkers. I think about a lot of things but I write about NFTs, personal development, and leading teams.