5 Tips to read more books than the average person

4 min readJan 13, 2023

I used to struggle to finish a book. Everything changed when I started doing these 5 things.

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

For many years I knew about the importance of reading. How it opens you up to the world, learn before you earn blah, and the way to becoming a better person blah blah…

I’d add reading as a new year’s resolution, make endless lists of book recommendations to my imaginary “to-read” list, buy books, and even organise my bookshelf but I would never open them and actually read them.

It’s not that I didn’t see the value of books, but the issue was with not having the systems in place to help me commit to reading.

Here’s what I changed 👇🏽

  1. Arm’s reach

Always keep a book within arm’s reach.

Going on holidays? Add a book to the day bag

Waiting for your partner to come to bed? Keep a book on the bedside table

Sitting around on the couch? Leave a book on the coffee table

Heading out to do errands or driving out to pick some one up? Pop a book on your back seat

Waiting at the hairdresser/dentist/doctor? Bring a book with you




Writers are thinkers. I think about a lot of things but I write about NFTs, personal development, and leading teams.