5 Principles for a new manager

3 min readJan 20, 2023

Becoming a manager was a lot more difficult than I expected. It felt like I was learning my job from scratch again.

Photo by Tobias Mrzyk on Unsplash

Managing teams for the first time can be a real challenge…

You spend most of your career honing your craft, growing your knowledge, building deep connections and perfecting your execution. And then all of a sudden, your manager taps you on the shoulder and puts this “opportunity” in front of you.

“It’ll be great for your development and it’s the right next step”

Then here you are, nervously shaking the hand of your bright eyed team who hang on every word that leaves your lips.

My first day as the manager, felt like I was handed the keys to a car which was manual but I had spent my whole life driving an automatic.

Here’s what I wish someone told me.

Performance starts with yourself

As a manager, you are responsible for leading by being a role model. This means that you must be modelling the behaviours and setting the standard for how you expect your team to perform.

They notice how…

You respond when a deadline is missed.

You react when presented bad news.




Writers are thinkers. I think about a lot of things but I write about NFTs, personal development, and leading teams.